Saturday, January 21, 2012

Great American Road Trip - 2012

The Call of the Road . . .

Entering Alaska at Poker Creek in 2008
Well, new this year is this travel blog and also my plans to take another Great American road trip across the United States. The Call of the Road has hit again. My plans are to start sometime in mid-April. I will be driving a newly purchased Ford E-350 Super Duty van. I am moving this new vehicle to Alaska to use for my tours with my company, Planet Earth Adventures.

My plans are to take the open road again and start in the Southeast, in Suwanee, Georgia and drive northwest through the Central Plains;  the Rocky Mountains and through the Northwest until I reach Seattle. I will then turn North and move into Canada through British Columbia, the Yukon Territory and end in Anchorage, Alaska.

As I have done just over two years ago, this time I will take more time and get to spend some time in some of the most beautiful places in the USA. I plan to re-visit the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore and Yellowstone National Park. Hopefully this time I will be able to see Mount Saint Helen and Mount Rainier. On my last visit to this area, weather was not very cooperating. My goal is to complete this road trip in two weeks.

Follow me on this awesome trip and keep up with my progress along the way. Photos and stories to be posted here on this blog.

Map of this 5,300 mile Journey

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be an amazing trip. Looking forward to hearing all about the places and seeing the pictures.
